Saturday 9 July 2011

Let's Interview Mynameisnotlilly!

We are forever grateful to Tord/Mynameisnotlilly for putting up with our questions about him. Indeed, we hope you enjoy this interview as much as we did.

MyNameIsNotLilly is a Let's Player (although he personally considers his work a "project") and he plays as the elusive character of Lilly in his Let's Plays. He is loved and adored for his work in Baldur's Gate & Fallout, developing this character - or rather - letting Lilly develop herself.

Support Tord in his project and enjoy his videos by visiting his channel:

Saturday 11 June 2011

An Interview with Frezno

In this first ever text-only interview, Level100Games has had the honour of speaking with the creative and charismatic Canadian FreezingInfernos, better known by his alias Frezno. An avid Let 's Player, Frezno has taken the time to answer some questions we posted to him to get his personal perspective concerning Let's Playing. Be sure to visit his credentials. - Let's Plays  - More Let's Plays with occasional vlogs


Frezno's Avatar
Ⓖ: Hello Frezno and thank you for joining us. First and foremost, how are you?

Much better than I was last night, that is for sure. But right now I'm just peachy, it s a lovely relaxatory night, I have my pajamas on, et cetera. So all is well.

Ⓖ: I m glad you are. I write this, you have over 500 Let's Play episodes on your Youtube channel. What is it that drove you to do Let's Plays and why do you continue to do upload them?

Have I done that many? Holy moly! Well, what drove me to it was just that they seemed fun. A very close friend of mine introduced me to the whole thing around April of 2007, and we both spent the rest of that year watching them. That Christmas I got a hunk of computer that could actually make videos, my interest was piqued, and.. well, here we are three and a half years later and I m still at it. I keep doing them for the same reason I started; it's fun! I've had little periods where it hasn t been fun for me and I've taken breathers from it all, but I always come right back to it and find it's still good times.

Ⓖ: On your channel you often post videos that are directed at your fans and viewers, asking them questions or answering their questions. Do you enjoy your interaction with your fans and do you feel that they are important to you and your success?

Oh, absolutely! I'd just be some silly goose talking to myself if it weren't for my fanbase. I rather like my little chats with them, be it through comments or via my sometimes-streams. None of them have really been any trouble; for the most part I'd say I have a great bunch of fans, and I wouldn't have nearly as much stuff up if it weren't for them.

Ⓖ:Judging from your Let's Plays you are a great lover of Retro Games, but judging from your videogame collection you have experienced games produced in this milenium also. Jonny and I have had this salient debate for years and it generally ends in a stalemate. Are the old games the best? Why do YOU Let's Play old games and retro-style games so much?

It s quite simple; because I'm lazy and they're really simple to LP. Just get a screen recorder and a.. you-know-what, and you can be LPing your favorite NES and SNES games in no time flat. I have toyed with the idea of doing "newer" things, but nothing s quite come of that yet. I guess that s why I like older games and retro-classic styled games, too; they're simpler. Something like a newer Final Fantasy game is very long and drawn-out, and you need to sink dozens of hours into it. A Mega Man 9 only requires an hour of free time to blast through. Quality over quantity, and all.

Ⓖ: True, although I lack the quality and compensate with the quantity in my experience of Let's Playing... Are there any other Let's Players or figures that you admire greatly, and were any a great source of inspiration for you?

Oh, is this the part where I get to plug people? There are tons of people who I have mad respect for, and lots of good friends. KarmaJolt, that's one. SakimotoFanboy, another name for you. Oh, and samuraikarasu. All of those guys are really cool and funnier than me with far greater production values, hence the admiration. As for inspiration, that d be the guy I first watched, a French dude named poik007 who I don't think does LP things anymore.

Ⓖ: Do you have any hobbies other than playing video games?

I am a bookworm like you don't even know. Mostly Stephen King and Michael Crichton, but I've got plenty of other cool niche books too. (If any of you read books as much as I do, check out House of Leaves. Do it.) In addition to that, I'm a bit of a writer as well. So I guess you could call me a creative fiction nut as well as a big old nerd.

Ⓖ: I too read many-a-book, although I generally stick to classics, just because I have to read many-a modern book in school. The recommendation still applies though. Anywho, We understand that you write fiction for your own pleasure, so how is that going? Any new juicy plots we could hear?

Well well, you already know about the writer bit! That's very perceptive of you. Well, okay then, I'll use this place to tell you a bit about what's in my head now. It's sort of a sequel to something I finished the National Novel Writing Month with in 2009. That featured a interdimensional psychic traveller named Leigh Michelin. This thing in my head now features another Michelin (they re very prominent in my head, oh believe me) named Anna. She s a psychic as well, and she becomes tangled in a plot by some nasty people who want revenge for her father's actions in the past. It's all very fast-paced stuff with psychics duking it out and travelling across time and space. I m excited to put it down in word form!

Ⓖ: What is your favourite quote or saying in life, from anyone or any...thing?

 Insightful. I have to go with the classic Zen from Yoda of Star Wars fame: "Do or do not; there is no try." Don't you love it?

Ⓖ: Indeed. I often allude to Yoda as a modern day Confucius, although smaller, greener and slightly more pioneering in sentence formation. Fans of your channel are aware of the pesky but lovable Duke Of Cankernickels. Will we be hearing the Duke any more?

Ahh, the Duke. I think his days of playing video games are about done, sadly; I originally started those with the intent of "parodying" really bad LP things. Inventing the most obnoxious voice I could, playing old games poorly.. the thing is, it became a thing of its own! I still get comments on those videos "declaring" (heh) them the worst videos. Hell, someone even did a riff on one, not knowing it was intended as a joke. So, for the Duke fans, he'll likely only show up in Silly Voice videos or other one-off gag things I haven't invented yet.

Ⓖ: What is the advice you would give to a Let's Player who would like to attain success and enjoyment from what they do?

Don' t worry too much about the success part; just pick a game you think deserves the LP treatment, and show it off to the world and tell people what you like and don t like about it. Have good times with it, it s all a fun little hobby.


Many thanks for Frezno for his time. Be sure to watch ALL of his Let 's Plays. Twice.

Thank you for reading!

Article by Gingerjoberton. Further Consolidated by Viscioushammock

Friday 10 June 2011

Almost ready!

Level100Games credentials
Hi there, we’ll be uploading our interviews soon.
For now please check our vlogs:
Our let’s plays are found here:

Here's my twitter
